Our experience b>
+ 450 buildings executed
+ 39 thousand units delivered
+ of 7.000.000 m² built
Our experience b>
+ 450 buildings executed
+ 39 thousand units delivered
+ of 7.000.000 m² built
Our experience b>
+ 450 buildings executed
+ 39 thousand units delivered
+ of 7.000.000 m² built

The company
It means to make, to accomplish, a simple, short and meaningful word in our philosophy of work. We were born on the ballast of 25 years of experience and more than 7 million of M2 delivered.
We are an ENGINEERING company, capable of offering intelligent, sustainable solutions with technical and social responsibility.
Our dedication and respect to suppliers, collaborators and the surrounding community is the basis of a proper, effective and recognized management model.
Far beyond excellence in construction, we create value to our clients, conceiving and performing projects in a differentiated, customized way, with innovative and safe vision, reason for our existence.
We are counting on a team of professionals recognized in the construction market, with proven experience in the realization of various patterns of ventures by Brazil.
We're do.
Construction Company
We do different!
We have a strong CULTURE, which cherishes the rigidity in controlling costs, deadlines and quality, which values their people and respects suppliers, customers and community.
Our MISSION is to provide value engineering and intelligent solutions in a sustainable and differentiated way
WE WANT TO BE one of the most respected companies in the industry for the excellence of their services, with human capital motivated and able to accomplish any challenge.
We disseminate and do not hand out the values that guide us
Do with passion
We are committed and accomplish each step and every project as if it were our own.
Think and Dream big
We dream, because this is the great motivating agent of our constant renewal.
Long-term vision
We plan our actions and seek longevity with results that impact the long term.
Prioritize the simple
The best decisions are the simplest, uncomplicated.
Owner's Team View
We work as a team of owners, we take care of each other in a proactive and collaborative way for a common result.
We form people and new leaders delegating decisions to tip, gaining agility in the decision-making process.
We assess the inherent impacts of our activity and act responsibly to mitigate them.
More than building a work, it is to be aware that we are fulfilling dreams. Dreams that impact the environment, cities, community and family living.
Participating in this experience is a little perceived liability.
And how can we make this stage an innovative, technological, enchanting and quality-of-life experience?
We would like to share with you our inspiration: Engineering. Not the technique and full of calculations, but the invisible engineering, able to transform places, communities and people through their solutions and development.
We make dreams come true, and we're proud to be a part of it.
We're do.Construction Company
We do different!
The sustainable headquarters
The Leopoldina village was the location chosen for the installation of our headquarters. A neighbourhood filled with socio-economic and cultural contrasts, known for CEAGESP, and rich in opportunities to implement the concepts of our philosophy.
We conceive, design and execute our installations combining technical, sustainability and social responsibility to the characteristics of the region.
We prioritize low water and energy consumption and the restricted use of new materials. We apply reusability concepts and foster trade and services with local activity usage.
We reuse discarded materials in works such as spools of cables and concrete blocks for table support, we collect materials in the CEAGESP as fruit boxes, and pallets for use in furniture and dimensional adjustment panels performed by local cooperatives.

We dispense with the use of linings and use LED lighting fixtures, paint with low VOC (volatile organic compounds), we install electronics and household appliances with seal the Procel, in addition to an efficient and intelligent air conditioning system that generates more comfort to our own Employees.
We wanted more!
We calculate the equivalent carbon emissions (CO2EQ) with the reform and our administrative operations, we select a project consistent with our values, and neutralize emissions. We became "carbon neutral" until 2020.
We're do. Construction Company
We do different!
do. Partner

Silvio Gava
Diretor Executivo (more…)Expertise in Works
We adopt a model of view management and corporate governance practices based on principles that prioritize transparency and respect for the related audiences.
Anti-corruption policy
Code of Conduct